SINCE 1989
Genesis Laboratories began with a dream that has been our guiding philosophy for 30 years. When John Kennedy stated, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” And when Kennedy then brought up the idea of the Peace Corps and Americans working to help in foreign countries, we knew that this was a world view worth following. It seemed to make everything gel that we had been thinking. After service in the Peace Corps, where we had gotten to know the people and learned their customs and languages; we had seen the pain and frustration of hunger and disease and we had witnessed and shared in the horror and grief that came from death which occurred sometimes from horrific diseases and starvation and sometimes from unsanitary water, tainted crops and weather-related issues—we knew what we wanted to do. We wanted to find a way to solve some of these life-threatening issues—not just in other countries—but in our own as well. We have lived in many parts of the world and worked all over the world-China, Burma, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, South America, Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Nepal, Turkey, among others—and all over the United States.
The thing that remains clear is that our goals for Genesis Laboratories, Inc. are the ones we had over 40 years ago. We will do all that we can to make this company a tool for working with people and problem-solving around the world. Today, we are working on disease prevention in India, Kenya, Kazhakstan, and Tunisia and on projects of a similar nature in the U.S. as well.
We feel our greatest gift is that we are problem solvers; we think very fast on our feet. We don’t just do the field work which we are very good at and consider the king-pin to anything we’re doing. We don’t just publish scientific papers; although, we do that, too. We want our findings out there to be shared and benefit others. However, we don’t leave it there. We come up with a solution, an answer to the problem at hand. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?